Okay, upon request. I'm gonna talk about food today :) My favourites!
Chocolate ♥
cannot get me wrong. Chocolate is the most delicious yummy creamy food ever. I mean chocolate goes well with like every dessert! With ice cream, with fruits, with marshmallows
Ice Cream ♥
Second to chocolate, ice cream goes well with like almost everything. And it's super
yummmehhh. I like it with cereal toppings like corn flakes or cookie crisps, or with hershey chocolate sauce! Or with whipped cream! And have you tried McD's ice cream with it's fries? PERFECT MATCH. You have to try it.
I just realized my top two favourite food are so unhealthy :P
Chicken ♥
Okay. I love chicken. Chicken is like my favourite food. Like seriously. I feel like eating chicken every time of the day. Which is weird. Heh. Fried chicken is of course sooo irresistible. But I like allllll types of chicken! Roast, Baked, Chicken soup ♥, steamed, CHICKEN CHOP! I LIKE ALL. IMMA CHICKEN LOVER.
And now I'm trying to think of my other favourite food and all I can think about it chicken -_____-
Okay random pictures I took in KL of yummy food.
Yummy breakfast somewhere.
I like breakfast with eggs. AND CHICKEN. And it looks so appetising as well!
Super yummy penang char kueh tiaw! Super super super super yummmmy.
Who doesn't love xiao long paos? Sorry for the cacated shot.
My brother took it. -_____-
Nai Wang Pao. This is the most delicious pao ever. I mean just look at the creeamy thing inside flowing out! It's super creamy, hot, tasty ♥
Nuff said.
CharTime has the best Pearl Milk Tea I have ever tasted. They are actually coming to Kuching! (Y) In One City! Must check it out. Yeah I know, damn expensive.
Cream Puff from BeardPapa. I think that's the name. Om nom nom.