Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bersih 2.0

Hey :) Just wanted to drop by and show you guys this link. I think it's kinda meaningful, about the bersih 2.0. Honestly speaking I don't really know much about this rally, so I shouldn't simply say stuff and all, but just briefly, bersih 2.0 is a second rally, if i'm not wrong, about a bunch of protesters fighting for a "clean", thus the name bersih, and fair election. Cause as you know, the government has like very unfair polls and all.

Anyways, I can't write anymore, I NEED TO PRACTISE MY PIANO. #sadface

Click on the link below to read the post :)
Bersih 2.0

Peace. And in my opinion, the whole 1 Malaysia thing the government is trying to impose? I think Malaysians do have the 1 Malaysia spirit, only the government is all racist giving all the priorities to the Malays when they keep promoting equality. WHAT THE.

Just something I got from

Bersih: PAS leader files suit, 50 more to follow

Perak PAS deputy commissioner Razman Zakaria has filed a suit against the police and government over his alleged wrongful arrest and detention prior to the Bersih 2.0 rally.

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