So Merry Chirstmas!
Yesterday's performance was. So. Mmmm, I can't really describe it in one word. It had it's ups and down. And as you all know (or maybe you don't) I am a very negative person. HAR HAR so I during and before the performance, and even after, I kept thinking how the performance was so bad and how we could've done so much better. So many er unfortunate (LOL my usage of words) things happened before and during the musical! -__________- #negativity
I shall list it all out for you. Cause I want to.
1. My back got burned by the hair roller thing. When they were curling my hair they accidentally burnt my skin!Was crazy painful and it cooked my skin! T^T But thank God Sarah helped me go down to Sugar Bun to get some ice cubes for me!
2. I messed up the tickets I was suppose to give to my friends. I am still so sorry!
2. I was hungry. Okay. Fine. This is not exactly 'unfortunate'.
3. The control board spoiled at the last minute and the lighting was all messed up.
4. A few of the mics weren't working.
Okay. So those are the bad thing that happened. But honestly, overall, it went well. Like really well. Everyone enjoyed the show and everyone had a great time! :D So many people were telling me how awesome the whole play was and one lady even told me that we were Broadway standard! A bit impossible lah, but still a very good compliment!
So a shoutout to everyone in the Return Of The Glass Slipper team! Thank you for all your hard work and for putting in so much effort and time! Love you all and God Bless!
Okay. So a few pictures we took when we were walking around Keyalang Shopping Centre :)

yay Rabito.

iBoobie for iPhone LOL! It's a iPhone cover!

Tried out all the funny looking sunnies!
Looking like one of em chubby kids.
Looking like one of em chubby kids.


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