Monday, June 4, 2012

In the car

So one good thing about blogging from my phone is that I can blog offline and then post it when I get Internet access. Anyways, I'm heading down to Santosa today. This is only the second time in my whole entire life. The last time was when I was 4/5?

Okay second time is not that bad lah, but because I come to Singapore quite often it's abit sad that I have not been there for 10 years.

Anyways, we're on the way there. Yeah okay. So erm I honestly have nothing to say. And I wanna read all the blog post you guys have published but this stupid blogger app doesn't show the new blog posts of the people I followed.

And I wanna add photos, but I have no idea how to cause this app is so gay.. You can't even like Bold or Underline your words. Maybe because it suppose to be for like simple blogging? But it's so gay lah. I wanna add pictures an whatnot.

SO YEAH I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU GUYS. There's gonna be a guest blogger in my blog. And yeah. You will know the details and whatnot soon enough. So stay tuned! LOL wth stay tuned?!

K bye love y'all x


It's shiok. Which I think is originally 爽 . So yeah er have a shiok day?!? HAHA

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