I really don't wanna go to school man! :( So sien. But then again I don't really have a good reason why not. I just.. don't.
Okay. Fine. One reason is cause I didn't do my homework okay?!
Anyways. Here's a post I wrote a few days ago and I never got to post it. So yeah. Here.
Went out with my lovelies, Annabelle and Amanda. Had a pretty good time. The first hour though I had to wait for Annabelle's driver before we could go out. So we took a few gay videos and I was taking a bunch of photos of myself with B's phone. Hoho.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.
Then we went to grab lunch at McD (finally I was so hungry! B said we could go out for lunch at 12pm but we only ate at 2! WHAT IS THIS asdfghjkl)

Yeah. Stuff em fries into yo mouth.
Then we did some window shopping. Well not really window shopping. We tried on a bunch of clothes, wasted the time of the shopkeepers making them think we were interested in purchasing something and in the end we didn't buy a thing. *shameless* But to out defence the clothes weren't very nice okay?! And I mean like why should you buy something you don't like? You'll prolly never wear it anyways!

Sorta okay looking high waist shorts I thought was quite cute.
Then we went for some yummeh Hielo (which I found out is pronounced as yellow!) It's kinda sour tasting when you take your first bite but after a while you get kinda immune to the taste and it tastes a whole lot better! :)

Then we... *drumrolls*
went home. K bye.
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