*inserts gangster.jpg*
I just watched 27 dresses and it's a pretty good movie. Typical chick flick. But it was pretty good. Always when I watch movies like this I tend to feel sorry for myself cause I'm a forever alone sad person. Yesh I know what you're gonna say. You're fifteen. Don't be so siao.
Sorry. I am siao. Problem?!
So! I promised to talk about camp. So here. ICF camp was better than expected. I was all negative about it (and I am sorry yet again) but it turned out alright overall. The speaker wasn't bad. He talked about Transformation and I could really feel that I needed to change LOL And it was like he could read my mind. Like he said all the right things. I truly believe God was speaking to me through him.
My Youth Camp was awesome. I had a fun time (that passed so fast!) and I learned alot. I learned that ALIENS DO NOT EXIST. Lazy to write out the whole proof here but they don't! And all this stuff about the apeman, evolution etc. It was a real eye opener. Very educational HAHA
I also learned about the end of the world. You know we all have this preset mindset (haha that rhymes!) about how the world will end. Prolly due to the movie 2012. Well actually it's written in the bible that there will be 3 years of peace and harmony and 3 years of suffering before the end of the world. Which means the end of the world won't just come out of nowhere. We would probably know if we are aware and alert. It won't be a big sign saying IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD either. Anti-Christ will come slowly and take over the world. He'd be charismatic, lovable, nice and he would win the trust of the world. And the after that 3 years of peace, he's true self will show.
So after I learned all that, now I'm more alert of everything that's happening around me. Looking out for the Anti-Christ.
What an eye-opener ay? :)
So here some pictures.

JELLYFISH! asdfghjkl

Too adorable.

Group picture! xx

God's amazing creation.

Look at this girl. Taking pictures of herself.

My group's flag! Tops forever! (Btw we won overall best team! WOOOOO!)
Signing off xx
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