Dear lying mean evil Prajwal,
You are mean. I want to know the truth. (To all the other readers who are not lying mean evil and named Prajwal, he lied to me about a gay thing. And then told me that the truth was a lie.. or something. Very messed up lah) Where you missing in action at school today? Didn't see you. Anyways, here's the long awaited post about you. Told you that you'd get it when you least expected. I still don't like you so don't think this is my forgiving you or whatever.
But I kinda miss you. Like 5% only. But yeah. I still miss you.
You are mean.
I don't even know if you're reading this. But you probably will.. one day. So yeah. You suck.
With a bit (very small until you cannot see) of love,
Shi Qi xx
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Back in the primary school days...
HELLO! I spent the whole of P.E today talking about my primary school memories with Amanda and Agnes. You know back in the days when we were in P6 and we thought we were the oldest ones in school and we thought we were all so cool. I'll have to say Primary 6 was one of the best years of my life. I remember skipping class with a bunch of friends (I was even class monitor then HAHA worst class monitor ever!) and going just hanging out in the canteen or outside the hall. Remember how we used to copy each others homework and when teacher found out.. die. I remember once when I was bleeding cause I scratched too hard on my mosquito bite and my awesome friends brought me to wash it and the to apply med on it HAHAHAHAHAH. Remember how falling in 'love' with some guy was the biggest gossip of the century. Who liked who. And liking 2 person at the same time was okay.. -___- WHAT LOL
Remember getting 'physically abused' by our mad teachers. Getting rotan for the littlest stupidest things like forgetting to bring your book, or for not getting 80% and above for my test. One of the dumbest most unreasonable illogical absurd reason I got canned was when I was passing a note to my friend in ENGLISH class. After the class, I threw the piece of paper in the bin. THEN ONE OF MY STUPID KEPO LIFELESS CLASSMATE PICKED IT UP FROM THE BIN GAVE IT MY MY FORM TEACHER AND I GOT CANNED 5 TIMES ON THE HAND.
I was so mad.
And I still am.
Anyways, I miss primary school, when it was kinda okay to not care about your studies. When life was so easy! But of course I thought life was so hard and I had tons of homework back then. Now looking back, EASIER THAN OPENING THE FRIDGE LAH.
Here are some very old photos where I look super gay in. But whatever. For memories sake.
Good good memories :')
Remember getting 'physically abused' by our mad teachers. Getting rotan for the littlest stupidest things like forgetting to bring your book, or for not getting 80% and above for my test. One of the dumbest most unreasonable illogical absurd reason I got canned was when I was passing a note to my friend in ENGLISH class. After the class, I threw the piece of paper in the bin. THEN ONE OF MY STUPID KEPO LIFELESS CLASSMATE PICKED IT UP FROM THE BIN GAVE IT MY MY FORM TEACHER AND I GOT CANNED 5 TIMES ON THE HAND.
I was so mad.
And I still am.
Anyways, I miss primary school, when it was kinda okay to not care about your studies. When life was so easy! But of course I thought life was so hard and I had tons of homework back then. Now looking back, EASIER THAN OPENING THE FRIDGE LAH.
Here are some very old photos where I look super gay in. But whatever. For memories sake.
Look at Agnes HAHA so cute!
12th birthday party.
Me and my extreme pretty friends. So sien. Compared to them I look.. gay.
That's my mean form teacher. We used to (and still do) call him Monkey Face HAHA
Primary 3 or 4 birthday parteh.
Good good memories :')
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Siao. No lah. I don't have that many deep dark secrets. That's why I said you guys can ask. Pfft. LOL anyways.. here we go.
Most painful memory: I don't really have one, but if I had to choose I would say that it was when this guy I used to like said I was ulgy. He said that when I still liked him lah. If he said that to me not I wouldn't really bother. And yeah I was so sad. I was very sad. I was sad for days. I was like crap I am so ulgy. LOL okay that's not a painful memory it's just a very sad memory. I don't really have a painful memory. Nothing really unfortunate has happened to me before. I am very blessed :3
The person I hate the most: I don't hate anyone at the moment. *phew thank God or I'll have to answer this question*
My last crush: This question. This. GRRRRRR. Well.. er. Erm.. it's.. it's someone from my school. From my year. From.. my class. Yeah. K. It was last year. K. Too much info already!!
My favourite type of music: This is not really a secret? But my fave type of music would be those slow R&B songs. I really like country and jazz-ish music too!
My ex boyfriend: Okay. Daniel Su. That's his name. It was primary school, P6 to be exact.. HAHAH I was young and immature believing it was love.
My ideal guy (no celebs): He must be someone who can sing and play the guitar. Tall, handsome, charming. Not too good looking though. If he's like amazingly hot everyone would be all over him to and like NO YOU CAN'T COME NEAR HIM. HE'S MY IDEAL GUY. MY. Someone who can cook very well. I don't want someone who is overly cheesy like saying all those gross stuff. Eww.
Favourite holiday destination: Depends on who I'm going with. If with friends L.A would be really fun. All the theme parks and all. If it's a shopping trip, Singapore would be best, I know what you're thinking, why not Paris or New York? Singapore? Cause things there are cheaper okay. Things in Paris and New York and expensive!! I would wanna go to Paris one day too though :3
The person I respect/admire the most: I've never really thought of it but I guess it would be Nick Vujicic.
What I hate most about my personality: I get mad very easily. I'm a angry person.
Siao. No lah. I don't have that many deep dark secrets. That's why I said you guys can ask. Pfft. LOL anyways.. here we go.
Most painful memory: I don't really have one, but if I had to choose I would say that it was when this guy I used to like said I was ulgy. He said that when I still liked him lah. If he said that to me not I wouldn't really bother. And yeah I was so sad. I was very sad. I was sad for days. I was like crap I am so ulgy. LOL okay that's not a painful memory it's just a very sad memory. I don't really have a painful memory. Nothing really unfortunate has happened to me before. I am very blessed :3
The person I hate the most: I don't hate anyone at the moment. *phew thank God or I'll have to answer this question*
My last crush: This question. This. GRRRRRR. Well.. er. Erm.. it's.. it's someone from my school. From my year. From.. my class. Yeah. K. It was last year. K. Too much info already!!
My favourite type of music: This is not really a secret? But my fave type of music would be those slow R&B songs. I really like country and jazz-ish music too!
My ex boyfriend: Okay. Daniel Su. That's his name. It was primary school, P6 to be exact.. HAHAH I was young and immature believing it was love.
My ideal guy (no celebs): He must be someone who can sing and play the guitar. Tall, handsome, charming. Not too good looking though. If he's like amazingly hot everyone would be all over him to and like NO YOU CAN'T COME NEAR HIM. HE'S MY IDEAL GUY. MY. Someone who can cook very well. I don't want someone who is overly cheesy like saying all those gross stuff. Eww.
Favourite holiday destination: Depends on who I'm going with. If with friends L.A would be really fun. All the theme parks and all. If it's a shopping trip, Singapore would be best, I know what you're thinking, why not Paris or New York? Singapore? Cause things there are cheaper okay. Things in Paris and New York and expensive!! I would wanna go to Paris one day too though :3
The person I respect/admire the most: I've never really thought of it but I guess it would be Nick Vujicic.

He's the guy with no hands, and no legs. But that doesn't stop him from doing a bunch of amazing things! Like swimming, surfing, driving. He's a motivation speaker and he's travel worldwide sharing his life experience motivating people.
What I hate most about my looks: I hate my legs the most. Not cause it's fat or short or whatever. It's cause it's cover in scars of gay insect bites.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
School. Dreaded school.
I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL. I don't like school. Don't like school, don't like school. I rather clean my toilet than go to school.
I really don't wanna go to school man! :( So sien. But then again I don't really have a good reason why not. I just.. don't.
Okay. Fine. One reason is cause I didn't do my homework okay?!
Anyways. Here's a post I wrote a few days ago and I never got to post it. So yeah. Here.
Went out with my lovelies, Annabelle and Amanda. Had a pretty good time. The first hour though I had to wait for Annabelle's driver before we could go out. So we took a few gay videos and I was taking a bunch of photos of myself with B's phone. Hoho.

Yeah. Stuff em fries into yo mouth.

Sorta okay looking high waist shorts I thought was quite cute.
I really don't wanna go to school man! :( So sien. But then again I don't really have a good reason why not. I just.. don't.
Okay. Fine. One reason is cause I didn't do my homework okay?!
Anyways. Here's a post I wrote a few days ago and I never got to post it. So yeah. Here.
Went out with my lovelies, Annabelle and Amanda. Had a pretty good time. The first hour though I had to wait for Annabelle's driver before we could go out. So we took a few gay videos and I was taking a bunch of photos of myself with B's phone. Hoho.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.
Then we went to grab lunch at McD (finally I was so hungry! B said we could go out for lunch at 12pm but we only ate at 2! WHAT IS THIS asdfghjkl)

Yeah. Stuff em fries into yo mouth.
Then we did some window shopping. Well not really window shopping. We tried on a bunch of clothes, wasted the time of the shopkeepers making them think we were interested in purchasing something and in the end we didn't buy a thing. *shameless* But to out defence the clothes weren't very nice okay?! And I mean like why should you buy something you don't like? You'll prolly never wear it anyways!

Sorta okay looking high waist shorts I thought was quite cute.
Then we went for some yummeh Hielo (which I found out is pronounced as yellow!) It's kinda sour tasting when you take your first bite but after a while you get kinda immune to the taste and it tastes a whole lot better! :)

Then we... *drumrolls*
went home. K bye.
Friday, March 16, 2012
NOH! Well. How about if you ask I'll tell? Just leave a question at my chat box, it can be anon (duh) and I'll answer it truthfully.
Why am I doing this?! It's not like I'm gaining anything by doing this! I siao.
Anyways. I love David Choi. He replied my tweet twice, and he has an amazing voice. K.

K bye. Please ask me something. I am bored out of my little mind.
NOH! Well. How about if you ask I'll tell? Just leave a question at my chat box, it can be anon (duh) and I'll answer it truthfully.
Why am I doing this?! It's not like I'm gaining anything by doing this! I siao.
Anyways. I love David Choi. He replied my tweet twice, and he has an amazing voice. K.

K bye. Please ask me something. I am bored out of my little mind.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
*inserts gangster.jpg*
I just watched 27 dresses and it's a pretty good movie. Typical chick flick. But it was pretty good. Always when I watch movies like this I tend to feel sorry for myself cause I'm a forever alone sad person. Yesh I know what you're gonna say. You're fifteen. Don't be so siao.
Sorry. I am siao. Problem?!
So! I promised to talk about camp. So here. ICF camp was better than expected. I was all negative about it (and I am sorry yet again) but it turned out alright overall. The speaker wasn't bad. He talked about Transformation and I could really feel that I needed to change LOL And it was like he could read my mind. Like he said all the right things. I truly believe God was speaking to me through him.
My Youth Camp was awesome. I had a fun time (that passed so fast!) and I learned alot. I learned that ALIENS DO NOT EXIST. Lazy to write out the whole proof here but they don't! And all this stuff about the apeman, evolution etc. It was a real eye opener. Very educational HAHA
I also learned about the end of the world. You know we all have this preset mindset (haha that rhymes!) about how the world will end. Prolly due to the movie 2012. Well actually it's written in the bible that there will be 3 years of peace and harmony and 3 years of suffering before the end of the world. Which means the end of the world won't just come out of nowhere. We would probably know if we are aware and alert. It won't be a big sign saying IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD either. Anti-Christ will come slowly and take over the world. He'd be charismatic, lovable, nice and he would win the trust of the world. And the after that 3 years of peace, he's true self will show.
So after I learned all that, now I'm more alert of everything that's happening around me. Looking out for the Anti-Christ.
What an eye-opener ay? :)
So here some pictures.

JELLYFISH! asdfghjkl

Too adorable.

Group picture! xx

God's amazing creation.

Look at this girl. Taking pictures of herself.

My group's flag! Tops forever! (Btw we won overall best team! WOOOOO!)
Signing off xx
Monday, March 12, 2012
Finally Home
After a straight 6 days of camp (ICF and Youth Camp) I'm finally home! Feeling so exhausted and I'm so glad to be back sleeping under the covers of my comfy blanket! As well as eating the uhmazing homecook meals. Eating there for 6 days straight, you get tired of eating the same thing everyday hahah. Overall both camps were good, will talk about them in the later posts (maybe).
Anyways. Just a few pictures stolen from Sam's album from ICF camp. Enjoy.

Anyways. Just a few pictures stolen from Sam's album from ICF camp. Enjoy.

Waiting for the bus at school.

The Resort! (For both camps. At the same place LOL)

HAHA epic.

I have a thing for opening my mouth widely in pictures for no reason. Siao.

It looks yummy but it's really not that good HAHA

One of the flags. Super nice.

Just some of the pics. Not all are uploaded on facebook yet so I can't steal it yet HAHA okay very tired. Will blog about the other stuff another day! :) SO HAPPY TO BE HOME!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Okay. I got a few minutes to update my blog. So yeah. Been down with a fever, flu and a sore throat. Feeling very dizzy almost all the time, and my skin feels like it's burning. Literally.
But I'm feeling a whole lot better now. Heading for ICF camp tmr. Honestly, I've got mixed feelings about the camp. About the impact it'll bring to the campers. About how 2 teachers are going to look after 65 students.
Still have loads of things to do. So little time. Sigh.
Again, honestly I am not one bit excited for camp. I am dreading to go actually. I don't know why. I just think this camp won't be any good. It's just going to be fun. Fun. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. And I don't think and ICF camp should just stop with fun you know? I'm praying that I'm wrong and it's just me and my negativity. Seriously praying.
K bye. Do pray for the camp? :)
But I'm feeling a whole lot better now. Heading for ICF camp tmr. Honestly, I've got mixed feelings about the camp. About the impact it'll bring to the campers. About how 2 teachers are going to look after 65 students.
Still have loads of things to do. So little time. Sigh.
Again, honestly I am not one bit excited for camp. I am dreading to go actually. I don't know why. I just think this camp won't be any good. It's just going to be fun. Fun. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. And I don't think and ICF camp should just stop with fun you know? I'm praying that I'm wrong and it's just me and my negativity. Seriously praying.
K bye. Do pray for the camp? :)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
I have so many unfinished assignments and stuff I need to prepare for the two camps (ICF and Youth camp are just ONE DAY APART!)
So nervous. I'm like afraid I don't have enough time to do everything you know?!
So yeah. Here's a short post to tell you guys there won't be anymore updates for a while cause I'm busy like mad. Anyways, have a good week ahead. As well as a productive holiday! ;)
God Bless xx
I have so many unfinished assignments and stuff I need to prepare for the two camps (ICF and Youth camp are just ONE DAY APART!)
So nervous. I'm like afraid I don't have enough time to do everything you know?!
So yeah. Here's a short post to tell you guys there won't be anymore updates for a while cause I'm busy like mad. Anyways, have a good week ahead. As well as a productive holiday! ;)
God Bless xx
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Last month, I learn that trying to please other people is not going to make me happy. I always thought by making people like me, I would feel happy, accomplished. But I realized trying to make other people happy constantly will just put me through misery.
I also learnt that hugs and chocolate are the best medicine when you're down. Anti-depression stuff man!
And that people may not be as what they appear to be so I should not judge. Not judging is incredibly difficult because judging just comes naturally you know?!
So it's March now. And I want to be a better person, to learn from what I've learned last month (Ha ha)
Alrights. Good bye xx
I also learnt that hugs and chocolate are the best medicine when you're down. Anti-depression stuff man!
And that people may not be as what they appear to be so I should not judge. Not judging is incredibly difficult because judging just comes naturally you know?!
So it's March now. And I want to be a better person, to learn from what I've learned last month (Ha ha)
Alrights. Good bye xx
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