I'm in Core Maths. (Just in case you don't know what that means, it's the class for people with 'not so good Maths). Not by choice (obviously) but cause my Maths is just horrible.

I prefer this type of Maths. Hoho.
So teacher was like calling out the names one by one and I paranoid as usual thinking my name would be there. But my name was actually called (not so usual. I'm just overly paranoid about everything) and to tell you the truth I wasn't like horrified, sad or shocked. I sorta expected it.
But all my classmates were like OMGSH WHAT?! CANNOT BE! TEACHER CALL WRONG NAME LAH! and they all had a really shocked/pitiful look on their face.
Which then made me feel so sad -_________- I guess cause I'm like considered as 'smart' in my class so everyone expected me to, idk, do better? I mean it's not like my results for Maths are that bad! It's usually a B-! But it was still kinda embarrassing I guess? That I didn't live up to everyone's expectation. And that I let myself down as well. Cause I never really put much effort in studying hard for Maths. This is what I get. I blame myself.
Anyways. The main reason I'm blogging about it is cause I can't figure out if I should take Add Maths for Year 10 (which again is in 3 months time!!)
Yes I know what you're thinking. She so siao. Her Maths is like so bad and she still wanna CONSIDER taking Add Maths?!
But I've been asking around and everyone is like take Add Maths! It helps the way you think and it's logical and all those stuff. And one of the obvious reason is that there's a wider range of choice for what you would wanna be when you grow up. But for me, it's cause I want to take Pure Science. I love Science. But I need to take Add Maths to take Pure Science.
I was talking to Mdm Chiong and she was all 'Take Add Maths lah! You can do it!'
I wished I believe in myself as much as other people believe in me -__- I wanna take subjects I can get an A in you know. So it'll look good in my resume and whatnot. And if I take Geo (the other option if I don't take Add Maths) I have a (wayyyyyy) higher chance in getting an A.
And like my dad is talking about how I should study hard so I can get a scholarship cause the tuition fees for Unis nowadays are crazy expensive. And then I'm like crap I need to study hard man. I need to get straight As if I want to apply for a scholarship! And I need to be more all rounded! I need to be good outside of just my academic results! But I can't do sports! And like singing will help! Maybe I should join some competitions. Singing competitions. So it'll look good on my resume. But I can't sing very well! So many other people are better than me! And my mum would be like WTH join for what?! She wouldn't understand.
How can I explain all this to my parents?
Sigh. I am so confused. Any advice? Please?
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