LINSANITY! LOL. Jeremy Lin. He's a real inspiration. How he stays true to himself, how he's so close to God, how he's so open about his faith. Like even my dad keeps talking about him and even posted a status about how we should pray for him not to get influence by all this publicity and everything.
So yeah, do pray.
Anyways. DO YOU KNOW WHAT?! So insane man. They put the Core Maths class in the..
NOW YOU TELL ME WHAT GAYNESS IS THIS. How can you study in the DT room? It's a place for cooking!! So siao. Cause of the stupid acceleration programme, most of the classes like changed room. And the newly assigned rooms we all get are all gay.
We had BM class in the DANCE STUDIO.
Okay please. Don't gay lah. What the heck. How are you gonna have a class in the Dance Studio?!
Ms Chin was like I MUST CHANGE ROOM MAN and she did. So we have a proper classroom now. Gay.
K bye. xx
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Hi February is up soon. Great.
Time past so fast. Gay.
Today was a pretty normal day ya-da ya-da all the same stuff. You know like not having enough sleep, using the computer too much etc. Hehe.
K. So Mdm Chiong just dropped by my house to return something we left at her house yesterday and she gave us chocolate as well.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL so cute. My teacher bought us chocolate for no apparent reason. Hehehhehe.
Today was a pretty normal day ya-da ya-da all the same stuff. You know like not having enough sleep, using the computer too much etc. Hehe.
K. So Mdm Chiong just dropped by my house to return something we left at her house yesterday and she gave us chocolate as well.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL so cute. My teacher bought us chocolate for no apparent reason. Hehehhehe.
IN YO FACE SHE DIDN'T BUY YOU CHOCOLATE! *sticks out tongue childishly*

Kay. Random vain photo. Bye.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Between who you are and who you could be
Went to Mdm Chiong's house for a farewell party. It's kinda sad that such a great teacher is leaving. So many good teachers left thanks to the messed up school system. Sigh.
Then Amanda and Farah came over and we tried to do a cover of I Won't Give Up. It wasn't bad and I wanted to upload it on Facebook but something went wrong and somehow I can't upload it. Will try again later though.
Went to Mdm Chiong's house for a farewell party. It's kinda sad that such a great teacher is leaving. So many good teachers left thanks to the messed up school system. Sigh.

On the way to Mdm Choing's house.

Laughing faces.

Then Amanda and Farah came over and we tried to do a cover of I Won't Give Up. It wasn't bad and I wanted to upload it on Facebook but something went wrong and somehow I can't upload it. Will try again later though.

Bye lovelies. Blessed week ahead!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The dreaded maths
Okay. I'm just gonna come clean and say it. So sien of being ashamed of it or whatever. And it's not like nobody knows. My whole class knows so why keep it a secret.
I'm in Core Maths. (Just in case you don't know what that means, it's the class for people with 'not so good Maths). Not by choice (obviously) but cause my Maths is just horrible.
So teacher was like calling out the names one by one and I paranoid as usual thinking my name would be there. But my name was actually called (not so usual. I'm just overly paranoid about everything) and to tell you the truth I wasn't like horrified, sad or shocked. I sorta expected it.
But all my classmates were like OMGSH WHAT?! CANNOT BE! TEACHER CALL WRONG NAME LAH! and they all had a really shocked/pitiful look on their face.
Which then made me feel so sad -_________- I guess cause I'm like considered as 'smart' in my class so everyone expected me to, idk, do better? I mean it's not like my results for Maths are that bad! It's usually a B-! But it was still kinda embarrassing I guess? That I didn't live up to everyone's expectation. And that I let myself down as well. Cause I never really put much effort in studying hard for Maths. This is what I get. I blame myself.
Anyways. The main reason I'm blogging about it is cause I can't figure out if I should take Add Maths for Year 10 (which again is in 3 months time!!)
Yes I know what you're thinking. She so siao. Her Maths is like so bad and she still wanna CONSIDER taking Add Maths?!
But I've been asking around and everyone is like take Add Maths! It helps the way you think and it's logical and all those stuff. And one of the obvious reason is that there's a wider range of choice for what you would wanna be when you grow up. But for me, it's cause I want to take Pure Science. I love Science. But I need to take Add Maths to take Pure Science.
I was talking to Mdm Chiong and she was all 'Take Add Maths lah! You can do it!'
I wished I believe in myself as much as other people believe in me -__- I wanna take subjects I can get an A in you know. So it'll look good in my resume and whatnot. And if I take Geo (the other option if I don't take Add Maths) I have a (wayyyyyy) higher chance in getting an A.
And like my dad is talking about how I should study hard so I can get a scholarship cause the tuition fees for Unis nowadays are crazy expensive. And then I'm like crap I need to study hard man. I need to get straight As if I want to apply for a scholarship! And I need to be more all rounded! I need to be good outside of just my academic results! But I can't do sports! And like singing will help! Maybe I should join some competitions. Singing competitions. So it'll look good on my resume. But I can't sing very well! So many other people are better than me! And my mum would be like WTH join for what?! She wouldn't understand.
How can I explain all this to my parents?
Sigh. I am so confused. Any advice? Please?
I'm in Core Maths. (Just in case you don't know what that means, it's the class for people with 'not so good Maths). Not by choice (obviously) but cause my Maths is just horrible.

I prefer this type of Maths. Hoho.
So teacher was like calling out the names one by one and I paranoid as usual thinking my name would be there. But my name was actually called (not so usual. I'm just overly paranoid about everything) and to tell you the truth I wasn't like horrified, sad or shocked. I sorta expected it.
But all my classmates were like OMGSH WHAT?! CANNOT BE! TEACHER CALL WRONG NAME LAH! and they all had a really shocked/pitiful look on their face.
Which then made me feel so sad -_________- I guess cause I'm like considered as 'smart' in my class so everyone expected me to, idk, do better? I mean it's not like my results for Maths are that bad! It's usually a B-! But it was still kinda embarrassing I guess? That I didn't live up to everyone's expectation. And that I let myself down as well. Cause I never really put much effort in studying hard for Maths. This is what I get. I blame myself.
Anyways. The main reason I'm blogging about it is cause I can't figure out if I should take Add Maths for Year 10 (which again is in 3 months time!!)
Yes I know what you're thinking. She so siao. Her Maths is like so bad and she still wanna CONSIDER taking Add Maths?!
But I've been asking around and everyone is like take Add Maths! It helps the way you think and it's logical and all those stuff. And one of the obvious reason is that there's a wider range of choice for what you would wanna be when you grow up. But for me, it's cause I want to take Pure Science. I love Science. But I need to take Add Maths to take Pure Science.
I was talking to Mdm Chiong and she was all 'Take Add Maths lah! You can do it!'
I wished I believe in myself as much as other people believe in me -__- I wanna take subjects I can get an A in you know. So it'll look good in my resume and whatnot. And if I take Geo (the other option if I don't take Add Maths) I have a (wayyyyyy) higher chance in getting an A.
And like my dad is talking about how I should study hard so I can get a scholarship cause the tuition fees for Unis nowadays are crazy expensive. And then I'm like crap I need to study hard man. I need to get straight As if I want to apply for a scholarship! And I need to be more all rounded! I need to be good outside of just my academic results! But I can't do sports! And like singing will help! Maybe I should join some competitions. Singing competitions. So it'll look good on my resume. But I can't sing very well! So many other people are better than me! And my mum would be like WTH join for what?! She wouldn't understand.
How can I explain all this to my parents?
Sigh. I am so confused. Any advice? Please?
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Sports Day
Had the most amazing time at Sports Day today and yet again, Purple stole the gold. It was a close ONE POINT DIFFERENCE. Oh my. And when it was announced that Purple house won we were like screaming and jumping around like mad. So here some pictures of the events.

"Go Purple Go!"

HAHAH Mike too happy.

"Service with dedication."

All pictures taken from Sarah Leanne Chin!
So today was a great day so happy for Purple House! All the athletes were great. So were all the other houses! I think everyone did very well this time round. So good job! :)
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The beauty in life ♥

The days are flying past faster then I expect they would. Overall life has been going back on course. I'm learning, well more of trying to see life in a different perspective. Trying to enjoy and cherish the moments I have right now. Because honestly I am extremely blessed and I can't keep affording to live life with such a negative attitude. Life is so beautiful and I really hope all of you would learn to appreciate it and live it well. We often forget how amazing life is when we face obstacles, difficulties. But remember
"Life is much more than that."
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Life's like that
My braces are killing me. Super painful. Just went for tightening and I can't even chew bread! GRRR.
So today was a almost normal day. All the Valentines Day hectic and feeling is gone. UNTIL something very siao happened. I can't write down what happen here sorry cause it's like embarrassing. Quite. It makes me sad. Not the :'( type of the sad more of the :\ type of sad.
It's just something that was always there and I knew it was there but I never took initiative to change it cause I never thought it would affect me so much. And now I'm left regretting. Not that I care that much. Honestly I don't really care. But it's like I let other people down? As well as myself?
Anyways, Sien. My teeth are so painful now. Can't eat anything besides porridge. I think that's how I started to appreciate and love porridge HAHA. Cause it's the only food I can eat when my braces are killing me!
So today was a almost normal day. All the Valentines Day hectic and feeling is gone. UNTIL something very siao happened. I can't write down what happen here sorry cause it's like embarrassing. Quite. It makes me sad. Not the :'( type of the sad more of the :\ type of sad.
It's just something that was always there and I knew it was there but I never took initiative to change it cause I never thought it would affect me so much. And now I'm left regretting. Not that I care that much. Honestly I don't really care. But it's like I let other people down? As well as myself?
Anyways, Sien. My teeth are so painful now. Can't eat anything besides porridge. I think that's how I started to appreciate and love porridge HAHA. Cause it's the only food I can eat when my braces are killing me!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Never ending
So yeah HappyValentinesDayhowwasitdon'tfeeltooforeveralonekthxbai.
HEHE. K so I'm not gonna talk about all this Valentines Day stuff cause you've prolly heard it everywhere. But here a picture first so you won't feel to disappointed ;)
HEHE. K so I'm not gonna talk about all this Valentines Day stuff cause you've prolly heard it everywhere. But here a picture first so you won't feel to disappointed ;)

So. God has been so gracious, so merciful to me. I sometimes don't see what I have because I take what he gives me for granted. One of the biggest thing I've taken for granted are my friends. I mean they are so amazing I cannot even. And through them I realized that God has always got my back. Always. Sometimes I'm just to blinded by my fears, my tears, my doubts to see that.
So here. An amazing song for all you guys. I promise you, you will be touched by this song.
Kay blessed week ahead! ♥
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Sometimes you get lost and you want to look for a way home but you can't find it. You feel so alone, so sad. You feel like tears will flood your sorry little eyes any moment.
And it's so hard to keep a straight face cause all you wanna do is cry and cry. And all you ever wanted is for someone to listen and hug you as you sob. But no. People ask if you're alright. They keep trying to comfort you which makes you cry even more.
I hate it. When I'm sad all I want people to do is hug me and let me cry. I don't want them to ask if I'm alright. I don't want them to look at me in pity. I don't want them to judge. Not only do they judge they talk about you to other people. I hate it.
I need God right now but I can't feel Him. And I want to cry because I'm lost emotionally and spiritually. I've been distant from Him now. And now I'm crawling back. Filled with guilt. I just can't feel him and I don't know why.
I don't want you guys to ask me what's wrong. So please. Don't ask. Cause I'm not gonna tell you anyway.
And it's so hard to keep a straight face cause all you wanna do is cry and cry. And all you ever wanted is for someone to listen and hug you as you sob. But no. People ask if you're alright. They keep trying to comfort you which makes you cry even more.
I hate it. When I'm sad all I want people to do is hug me and let me cry. I don't want them to ask if I'm alright. I don't want them to look at me in pity. I don't want them to judge. Not only do they judge they talk about you to other people. I hate it.
I need God right now but I can't feel Him. And I want to cry because I'm lost emotionally and spiritually. I've been distant from Him now. And now I'm crawling back. Filled with guilt. I just can't feel him and I don't know why.
I don't want you guys to ask me what's wrong. So please. Don't ask. Cause I'm not gonna tell you anyway.
Friday, February 10, 2012
It's Friday!
Yeah. I love Fridays! Get to stay at home and relax and forget about school!
Old photo of McD chicken. I want to eat it now.
Maybe I'll have a movie marathon tonight! Alone. Sigh. I think I'm meant to be #foreveralone or something. Haha.
Don't feel like writing much today. Not in the writa-a-holic mood now. So here. A few pictures.



So hungry now.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Stresses out
So many gay decisions I have to make. For example what subjects should I choose for Year 10. Which technically speaking is in 3 months time. FJLXCBASPNAMXPQLHDETFDVUR!!
I mean what sub combo I choose will affect my future! I wanna take Add Maths but my maths is horrible. I can't even do simple Algebra without losing my mind. How can I possibly do Add Maths? Then the other option is Geo. I should be okay with it but it might lessen my opportunities.
I'm a very indecisive person and I hate making decisions. I hate it. I always have the fear of making the wrong decision. At times like this I get very hungry and I eat.
I eat. I eat to take my mind of all this. I'm so siao.
I mean what sub combo I choose will affect my future! I wanna take Add Maths but my maths is horrible. I can't even do simple Algebra without losing my mind. How can I possibly do Add Maths? Then the other option is Geo. I should be okay with it but it might lessen my opportunities.
I'm a very indecisive person and I hate making decisions. I hate it. I always have the fear of making the wrong decision. At times like this I get very hungry and I eat.
I eat. I eat to take my mind of all this. I'm so siao.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Went for lunch at Secret Recipe with Liew Jiek, her mum and Liew Sheun. Had a really great time! I forgot to take pictures of the food so there's only a pic of the banana split we had.
Came home and I tried to film me singing A Thousand Years but I failed. I don't why I posted it on Facebook. Must be some adrenaline rush or something. Gay. Then I sat on my bed feeling freaking nervous staring at the phone waiting for a comment or something. Waited. Waited..

Came home and I tried to film me singing A Thousand Years but I failed. I don't why I posted it on Facebook. Must be some adrenaline rush or something. Gay. Then I sat on my bed feeling freaking nervous staring at the phone waiting for a comment or something. Waited. Waited..

My brother accidentally took a picture of my instead of video taping it.
Soooo check out my video and leave a comment? I tried to post it here but I can't. Sorry :\
But here's the link. Idk if you can watch it though.
Thank you. Comments are very much appreciated! Ciao!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Chocolate addiction
That sweet scrumptious treat; one of the things that smells, tastes and looks amazing. Tasting all the flavours as it slowly dissolves in my mouth ♥
I love how chocolate can make you feel so much better after a fight, during PMS, when you're feeling down.
It's like my happy pill.
Popping in raisin coated chocolates in my mouth. This is one treat I will never get sick of.
I love how chocolate can make you feel so much better after a fight, during PMS, when you're feeling down.
It's like my happy pill.
Popping in raisin coated chocolates in my mouth. This is one treat I will never get sick of.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Time flies even if you're not having fun
Can you believe it's FEBRUARY already?! In a blink of an eye the first month of the year is gone. I haven't even grasp the whole idea of going back to school again, still in my holiday mood.
Everything's just happening so fast! Sigh.
And I'm sure most of you have heard the 'rumours' about the changes happening in our school. I don't think I'm suppose to blog about it yet, but I just wanna say it's unfair and I am completely against it.

All this changes, everything happening so unexpectedly, so fast is driving me insane.
Everything's just happening so fast! Sigh.
And I'm sure most of you have heard the 'rumours' about the changes happening in our school. I don't think I'm suppose to blog about it yet, but I just wanna say it's unfair and I am completely against it.

All this changes, everything happening so unexpectedly, so fast is driving me insane.
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