Oh yeah just so you know the picture below I took a while ago claiming I cut my hair was a fake. Hehe. I hid my hair in my hat. You can go google it and see how it's done :P

Well anyways back to the topic. I know what you're thinking. Why think sudden unreasonable outburst where I decide to cut my long hair I pride on. Well there are many reason honestly.
1. I get RM 100 for Amanda. She thought I would never cut my hair so she offered me 100 bucks if I did. HO HO HO.
2. I wanted a change.
3. People always say the best part about me/ the most attractive part about me is my hair. (wah so hao lien) So yeah I wanted to cut it and see what people will say.
So I cut it of today and it suddenly felt so light. I never had short hair for ages. The last time was Primary 3 when my mum attempted to layer my hair but failed so epicly that I had to go and cut off all my hair cause it looked hideous. So yeah. It felt so light and when I went to wash my hair just now it felt so weird cause there's no long think hair to shampoo.
At first I thought I would be crying over my short hair, cause I love my hair so much and the last few time I cut my hair I cried like a maniac. But I actually like it! Took a few pictures. So yeah. Take a look!
A few before pictures.
No more sexy hair and lip photos.
Not that the above picture is sexy. It looks so gay.
Short hair for good! What do you guys think? :)
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