wasssuppp. i'm at the airport now. my flight has been delayed. ONE HOUR. MKL -.- well. anyways. singapore has been fun! when i was here, ( i still am though :\ ) i wanted to go home so bad, now i wanna stay here just a TEENYY TINNNEEYYY bit longer :P always wanting what i can't have huh.
i did tons of things here. my cousin got married. :) and the wedding was cool. with good food. MWAAHHAHAHA. i went on stage with my brothers and charis to sing JUST THE WAY YOU ARE to my cuzzie. ( she's a girl ) and i was not bad! *perasssaaann* haha. except the front. i was all nervous and stuff. got it all off key -.- anyways. CONGRATS CHARMAINE JIE JIE + JONATHAN KOR KOR. <3 have a happy marriage!
then we went out shopping. me, zhe and charis. :P we went to ION and 313. SO FUN! hahahahah. i bought friendship necklaces for me, boo and moo. and another one for charis and me. :D then we had the most uh-maz-ing mango dessert ever! but i still think kuching has better food. :)
we had christmas dinner too. and jonathan kor kor shared how he met charmaine jie jie :P or maybe it was more of a interrogation. hahaha. well. he passed the test! :)
okay. i gtg. dad nagging. our hour delay makes no diff. still need to rush. pfft.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
immmm innnnn sinngaaaappoorrreeeeeeee. annnddd cchhhaaarriiiisss Issas sslleeepppinngggggg. aannddddd immmmm dyyyinnnnggggg oooffff bbbooorrreeeeeedddoommmmmmm. aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
dear blog.
dear blog. i'm in singapore now. and i have SO MUCH to tell you. charis ditched me the whole day. so like all my other cousin's have theier own gang and stuff while i'm left out and sad and ALONE. :| anyways. i bought a dress. and two pairs of jeans. :) i haven't been in singapore for so long that when i walked into the mall. WOOSHHHHH. banyak orang. which was kinda weird. for me. cause i'm use to lesser pple in a mall, and even when spring has loads of pple, it's still nothing compare to singapore. which is weird. cause like, therre are SO MANY malls here. how can they be so many pple then? more than spring? when we have like 2 malls? -.-
Sunday, December 5, 2010
found the story thing. here are some parts of it that i wrote already.
this part is about LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT :)
"The first time i saw her, i had this weird tingling feeling inside me, she wasn't looking at me, but i couldn't take my eyes of her. Something about her made me stop and stare. She wasn't a girl from the magazine, but she was, something.
this part is about LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT :)
"The first time i saw her, i had this weird tingling feeling inside me, she wasn't looking at me, but i couldn't take my eyes of her. Something about her made me stop and stare. She wasn't a girl from the magazine, but she was, something.
She was talking to her friends, their laughter filled the air, i felt the urge to go up to her, tap he shoulder and ask for her name, hoping to be a part of her. But I resisted that urge, afraid of what would really happen."
I forgot which part this was. :\
"Everything about her takes my breathe away. She was standing so close to me, i prayed she would go away, so i could breath again. Her eyes flicked my way, and i was so mesmerized i couldn't look away. She gave me a smile, and that was it. I was in love. I wanted her to be mine."
AND THIS. telling his friends about the girl.
"I couldn't stop thinking about her. I need to tell my friends that i wanted her in my life, i wanted to be a part of her. I walked up to my friends, my mind was all over the place. I had planned a thousand different versions of this scene, but now that the moment had come, I didn't know what to do. I took a deep breathe and walked towards my friends."
i wanted to write it in a boy and girl point of view, haven't got to the girl yet :) anyways, enjoy :D
helloooo blog. :DDDDDD
i'm in this crazy chirstmas mood. SLEEPOVER WITH BOO AND POO WAS AWESOMEEE! :) we had devotion, and then we talked and talked and talked somemore. hahahha. <3 I LOVE THEM!
so you know, about the BB boys, i wrote something, a story, sort of. check it out? :)
oh wait. can't show you. i wanted to copy it from sarah's facebook wall. but i can't. i think she deleted it. and i'm too lazy to write it. :\ maybe next time?
:D went christmas shopping with moo and boo. I AM NOW BANKRUPT. T^T ahhhh.
Shake Up Christmas :)
awesome song :) go listen to it!
i'm in this crazy chirstmas mood. SLEEPOVER WITH BOO AND POO WAS AWESOMEEE! :) we had devotion, and then we talked and talked and talked somemore. hahahha. <3 I LOVE THEM!
so you know, about the BB boys, i wrote something, a story, sort of. check it out? :)
oh wait. can't show you. i wanted to copy it from sarah's facebook wall. but i can't. i think she deleted it. and i'm too lazy to write it. :\ maybe next time?
:D went christmas shopping with moo and boo. I AM NOW BANKRUPT. T^T ahhhh.
Shake Up Christmas :)
awesome song :) go listen to it!
Friday, December 3, 2010
always kiss me goodnight :)
WOO. okay, i have time now, so here. this is what REALLY happened. :) that night, saturday night. my friend wanted in, so he said he wanted to pretend to be my boyfriend, and like ask him to scram, so it went something like this.

friend: who is this? *pause* this is shiqi's boyfriend. SHIQI'S BOYFRIEND. *pause* what's my name? *looks at us. nervous* my name, my namme iss..devon. yeah. shiqi's boyfriend. stop texting my girl. *pause* I SAID STOP TEXTING MY GIRL. and something like that. :\
so then my dude's friend call tristan, and like i said i wanted to say something. and i didn't know what to say, so i started crying. something like this. in chinese.
me: did my boyfriend call you? i'm so sorry. *sobs* i wanna talk to *sensored*
dude's friend: he ran away. some where. he's really sad.
me: sob sob sob* pleaseee. i'm so sorry, i wanna talk to himmm!
which was all fake. and my friends were beside me, laughing like mad. and when i was done they were all like I SALUTE YOU -.- and all the shit and stuff. and after that i was like guilty to the MAX D:
okay. i gtg. sarah wants to use the com. i'm sleepover at boo's house :) we're gonna havee so much fun! :))
listen to this song. you'll fall in love ;)
Peaches - New Heights
just click on the link! :D hahahhaha.
my brother is talking to his girlfriend now, and i'm filled with envy. D:
Peaches - New Heights
just click on the link! :D hahahhaha.
my brother is talking to his girlfriend now, and i'm filled with envy. D:
Thursday, December 2, 2010
it doesn't matter anymore.
we were playing hide and seek the whole day in spring. them seeking, us hiding. but it doesn't matter now. you're talking to me :) they're taking a step backwards. *i hope* and everything's gonna be alright :)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
they wanna MEET!
so this prank thing didn't end very well. can't go into detail, cause i gtg soon. they are pissed. so we told them the truth, that it was a prank. made things worse. :\ so they wanna MEET arvin at spring. so settle things. i pray no one gets hurt D:
why aren't we what we used to be? :(
so many epic moments.
VBS IS OVER T^T and like jesmond would say: the epilogue of an entire episode. or something like that.
the prank is still on. and i have to say it's quite fun, although it is super duper mean. so this guy, bryan, says he likes sarah. so he ask me for her number, and i gave her arvin's. this is how the convo goes.
sarah: what is wrong with your english. and i don't like white.
bryan: than i do a black horse prince lo. ^^
sarah: you can't DO a horse prince idiot. GET LOST.
bryan: hi.
bryan: yesterday lost, today found la.
OMGSH. this pple. their ignorance makes us laugh. lemme think of more.
OH OH. i remember. you know i told you bout the guy chasing me asking me ( jesmond ) to go swimming right?
well he was like
dude: you want go datin with me?
and sarah read it and was like. datuk, datin? LOL. he meant dating -.- OMGSH.
OH. and i saw the dude at a kopitiam. RIGHT after i saw him at church. and i didn't have jesmond's phone, so if jesmond texted him, he might think something's up. cause i wasn't holding any phone thing. so i BEGGED ym mum for her phone and texted jesmond's number. and WOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH. all my fears are gone. LOL. jesmond hadn't reply him for quite a while. so this prank thing is still kind working. they don't suspect anything. i hope :P
but WE do though. like after the DUDE started texting me. sarah's white horse prince came. and so did agnes's. and it seemed a little suspicious to me. all of them asking all of us to date them. how is it possible that a group of guys JUST HAPPEN to like MY group of friends and want us to be together with them? hmm. :\
oh. here's how agnes's 'guy' talk
guy: good MORING.
agnes; WTH. it's good morning.
guy: sorry lo. morning, morning lo.
WOO. i wrote this really long ago. didn't have time to post it. so here :)
the prank is still on. and i have to say it's quite fun, although it is super duper mean. so this guy, bryan, says he likes sarah. so he ask me for her number, and i gave her arvin's. this is how the convo goes.
sarah: what is wrong with your english. and i don't like white.
bryan: than i do a black horse prince lo. ^^
sarah: you can't DO a horse prince idiot. GET LOST.
bryan: hi.
bryan: yesterday lost, today found la.
OMGSH. this pple. their ignorance makes us laugh. lemme think of more.
OH OH. i remember. you know i told you bout the guy chasing me asking me ( jesmond ) to go swimming right?
well he was like
dude: you want go datin with me?
and sarah read it and was like. datuk, datin? LOL. he meant dating -.- OMGSH.
OH. and i saw the dude at a kopitiam. RIGHT after i saw him at church. and i didn't have jesmond's phone, so if jesmond texted him, he might think something's up. cause i wasn't holding any phone thing. so i BEGGED ym mum for her phone and texted jesmond's number. and WOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH. all my fears are gone. LOL. jesmond hadn't reply him for quite a while. so this prank thing is still kind working. they don't suspect anything. i hope :P
but WE do though. like after the DUDE started texting me. sarah's white horse prince came. and so did agnes's. and it seemed a little suspicious to me. all of them asking all of us to date them. how is it possible that a group of guys JUST HAPPEN to like MY group of friends and want us to be together with them? hmm. :\
oh. here's how agnes's 'guy' talk
guy: good MORING.
agnes; WTH. it's good morning.
guy: sorry lo. morning, morning lo.
WOO. i wrote this really long ago. didn't have time to post it. so here :)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
can't tell you much. the prank thing worked. he's been flirting with jesmond and shanice the whole night. :P but then there's this guilt in me for playing with he's feelings? it's not really me doing it, but it's under my name T^T HAIZ.
so like here are what some of the convos are like. remember. not between me and him. between him and JESMOND.
jesmond asked to guy to come up, to talk to me, but he didn't. so..
guy: what mean screw?
jesmond: screwdriver. -.- *sarcasm*
guy: i still student. i no work yet. not screwdriver.
jesmond and all my friends: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH.
guy: i'm like you. *failed attempt to say i like you*
jesmond: er. i'm like you too. *trying to speak his language*
guy: i don't like you.
jesmond: FINE.
guy: i don't like you. i love you.
jesmond: i love you too. *WTH WTH WTH i'm in so much trouble*
guy: can you return my love?
jesmond: i'm not ready.
and some other crap. he even asked me ( jesmond ) to go SWIMMING with him. and the excuse jesmond gave was, you no ABS. -.-
so like here are what some of the convos are like. remember. not between me and him. between him and JESMOND.
jesmond asked to guy to come up, to talk to me, but he didn't. so..
guy: what mean screw?
jesmond: screwdriver. -.- *sarcasm*
guy: i still student. i no work yet. not screwdriver.
jesmond and all my friends: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH.
guy: i'm like you. *failed attempt to say i like you*
jesmond: er. i'm like you too. *trying to speak his language*
guy: i don't like you.
jesmond: FINE.
guy: i don't like you. i love you.
jesmond: i love you too. *WTH WTH WTH i'm in so much trouble*
guy: can you return my love?
jesmond: i'm not ready.
and some other crap. he even asked me ( jesmond ) to go SWIMMING with him. and the excuse jesmond gave was, you no ABS. -.-
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

:D agnes made that frame thing.


that's anson behind there BTW :)
besties! <3

so cute so cute so cuteeeeeeeeee!
took the teacher so LONG to make this. 100% hand made! :)

CAN'T WAIT FOR TMR! :D so today. something interesting happened.
in VBS history, nothing like this have ever happened before. MWHAHA.
the BB boys asked for our numbers. and by ours, i mean, me, sarah, boo and agnes.
which was a stupid thing to do. but then sweet to i guess. :D
so i gave the guy that wanted my number jesmond's number. and now jesmond is texting him.
bullying him. D: gosh. something like this. idk all. cause jesmond won't reply me. -.-
guy: i am shy.
jesmond as me: you're not a man.
GOSH. that guy is gonna hate me for life. -.- WSDFGHJKLQWERTYUIO!
anyways. argh. no anyways. that dude is gonna hate him.
oh and there's not only one guy. i gave 'my' number to one guy,
two guys ended up texting jesmond. o.o
sadfghjfghjklxcvbnm! i'll feel super mean if jesmond do something stupid.
cause i kinda caused all this. like gave them fake number. D:
blah. blah. can't wait for tmr. see what those BB pple will say :P
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
i know i said i'll upload the photos today, but my mum's using the comp with the pics in it. so i guess you'll have to wait? :\ sorrrrehh.
WOO. VBS. second day today. the craft today was alot harder than yesterday. we made this star thingy. which involves tying a knot. turns alot half the people didn't know how to tie a knot -.- so i had to tie ONE at a time for all those people. O.O
can't wait for friday night. that's when the fun begins :)
可惜不是你 <3
WOO. VBS. second day today. the craft today was alot harder than yesterday. we made this star thingy. which involves tying a knot. turns alot half the people didn't know how to tie a knot -.- so i had to tie ONE at a time for all those people. O.O
can't wait for friday night. that's when the fun begins :)
可惜不是你 <3
Monday, November 22, 2010
it's all worth it :)
IT'S VBS WEEK NOW! FYI, VBS stands for Vacation Bible School :D it's so awesome. I woke up this morning feeling extra tired, not wanting to go, but after the day is over, and you see the smiles and the childrens face- SATISFACTION! :D all those long hours of practise and non-stop preparation work was worth it :) couldn't be happier.
I'll upload the photos tmr. can't use the comp now :3 WEEEEEEEEEEE! super happy.
surprisingly, arvin's really good to talk to. and I mean secrets and stuff :3
I'll upload the photos tmr. can't use the comp now :3 WEEEEEEEEEEE! super happy.
surprisingly, arvin's really good to talk to. and I mean secrets and stuff :3
Sunday, November 21, 2010
church day in day out. wanna die la. T^T i'm going to church later again. so tiringgggggggg. D:
VBS TOMORROW! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! :D get ready for some fun <3
i still dream about you everynight :( it's true.
VBS TOMORROW! WOOOOOOOOOOOO! :D get ready for some fun <3
i still dream about you everynight :( it's true.
Friday, November 19, 2010
blehhhhhhhhh. last day of school.
it's the last day of school! i guess that's good and bad in some ways. :\
I LOST MY DEBATE. to KUSUM SHANKAR ASNANI. so, kum, if you're reading this, congrats. and i am very jealous. :P
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. wow. time flies. :) i remember crying, begging my dad not to put me in lodge. cause i thought they were all stuck up and bossy. but they weren't. they were all super nice. :D and i loved school. wait. i LOVE school. i still do :3
OKAYY. so i had a dream last night. about you. well, not really about you. about everyone but you weren't there. D: ah. so sad. EVERYONE was there but you. and i was looking for you. T^T
CHARIS IS HERE. she's been doing devotion with me <3 she's a weird person :P
Monday, November 15, 2010
and we won.
WOOOOOOO! the first round. thank you jesmond :) but farah's leaving tomorrow so we're gonna die. she's like THE BEST SPEAKER in our team. and she's leaving. qwerty. we're having two more rounds tomorrow. WITHOUT FARAH. ish. :\
Sunday, November 14, 2010
i'm back from church. SO SO SO TIRED. i'm getting my debate stuff done.
and you're not online :\
我愛你.je t'aime.Ich liebe dich.i ngrá leat.私はあなたを愛して.당신을 사랑합니다.Jag älskar dig.Tôi yêu bạn.I LOVE YOU.
this has been the weirdest week ever.
like seriously weird. O.O
I kept on seeing those 'facebook friends'. you know like those people who never fail to make it to your homepage cause they have like over 100 over likes on facebook for their picture or statuses?we'll i saw this christopher damart guy at kenyalang. with amanda and she was all freaking out and getting obsessed with him.
and then i saw joanne chin at spring. and some claudia bii girl at a kopitiam. weird. o.o
ANYWAYS. moving on. :)
Yesterday was the weirdest day of my weirdest week. It started out normal, me waking up late to find no one is at home. -.- sadly. Well in the afternoon I went to spring for Liew Jiek's birthday and I saw SO MANY PEOPLE! Which I kinda pretend not to see. :\ Okay, so she invited people I didn't really know, except for their faces and all and I felt tired suddenly and I didn't want to be friendly or anything. So I sat there. Alone. WEIRD. I'm usually friendly. Usually.
So we went to the movies, and I sat in between two people I didn't know. The guy on my left was putting his hand on the handle thing the separates the sits, and so was the girl beside me. And I had my hands on my lap the whole movie feeling super uncomfortable. And AFTER the movie ( we went to watch unstoppable ), which was quite niceee, I went home la. And Angelo ( he went too ) offered to walk me down. WEIRD. Which was weird. And I'm kinda glad he didn't cause if my dad saw it, he'll think stuff. WHICH AIN'T TRUE. So Liew Jiek walked me down and I saw Rachel. And she was with her boyfriend. A guy with BROWN hair. As in he dyed it. And he looked at me as if he wanted to punch me in the face. weirdddd! why is she dating people like that :\ 'nough said. So Rach greeted me and it was all awkward and stuff and we said bye cause my car was here. weird D: we used to talk about everything.
So I sat in the car thinking about why Angelo offered to walk me down, me surrounded by people I don't know, the awkward talk to Rach, and i suddenly felt weird. Like SAD + MAD + CONFUSED + DISGUSTED.
qwerty. :\
Friday, November 12, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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