Friday, December 3, 2010

always kiss me goodnight :)

WOO. okay, i have time now, so here. this is what REALLY happened. :) that night, saturday night. my friend wanted in, so he said he wanted to pretend to be my boyfriend, and like ask him to scram, so it went something like this.

friend: who is this? *pause* this is shiqi's boyfriend. SHIQI'S BOYFRIEND. *pause* what's my name? *looks at us. nervous* my name, my namme iss..devon. yeah. shiqi's boyfriend. stop texting my girl. *pause* I SAID STOP TEXTING MY GIRL. and something like that. :\

so then my dude's friend call tristan, and like i said i wanted to say something. and i didn't know what to say, so i started crying. something like this. in chinese. 

me: did my boyfriend call you? i'm so sorry. *sobs* i wanna talk to *sensored*
dude's friend: he ran away. some where. he's really sad.
me: sob sob sob*  pleaseee. i'm so sorry, i wanna talk to himmm!


which was all fake. and my friends were beside me, laughing like mad. and when i was done they were all like I SALUTE YOU -.- and all the shit and stuff. and after that i was like guilty to the MAX D:

okay. i gtg. sarah wants to use the com. i'm sleepover at boo's house :)  we're gonna havee so much fun! :))

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