So I went to church first, and no butterflies in my stomach at all, the fact that I was actually going bald in a few mere hours didn't register in my head.

After church. Group shot with my super supportive awesome friends!! ♥

K I look super gay -_- Anyways, here a shot of the 3 of us soon to be baldies!
Then after we had a Youth Alpha session in church and I was the speaker and it was pretty good. Somehow I could feel God's presence in the room. Hope the youths felt it too hahaha
So after Youth Alpha we had normal youth and then straight to Spring. Sarah & Mun Sien didn't go to youth so I asked them to meet me at 3:45.
Wah I was like super pissed cause 4 o'clock and they were still not here. And my slot was at 4:15!! I was so sure I was gonna be late and that they would miss my turn and I would never get to Go Bald. So the finally came after what seemed like hours and I was super mad and didn't wanna talk to them LOL
Anyways, we reached Spring and we raced to the Go Bald place and I was late -_________- But thank God they let me and Yang follow the next group of pple. (Anson went before us) Then I saw all my friends who went there to support us :')
There was Annabelle, Ting Jin, Eugene, Amanda, Sarah, Mun Sien, Serene, Linda, Lewis, Mark, Sean, Joel, Agnes, Anson (with his bald head) Tim & Zach. Omgsh so many people. Did I miss out anyone?!
There was Annabelle, Ting Jin, Eugene, Amanda, Sarah, Mun Sien, Serene, Linda, Lewis, Mark, Sean, Joel, Agnes, Anson (with his bald head) Tim & Zach. Omgsh so many people. Did I miss out anyone?!

I thought I had to wait for like super long so I was still like yay and everything. Kinda nervous but not very. And then suddenly my dad was like YOUR TURN NOW. And I was seriously blur and I didn't know what was going on. Fail.

Laughing like mad while I felt like peeing in my pants cause so nervous.
And yang was all cool poker face HAHA

Laughing the butterflies in my stomach away.

And laughing again. Pic stolen from Linda.

This is my hairdresser she is the prettiest nicest hairdresser ever!!!!!!
I was so nervous and was about to cry
and she gave me a hug and told me I was so brave and all! :')
I was so nervous and was about to cry
and she gave me a hug and told me I was so brave and all! :')

PUNK HAIR!! Pic stolen from Serene!

Almost done!!

Yang with his old man hair cut heheheheh

This one even worse LOL

Monk!!!! Hehe so cute!
Nelson!! :D He came later.


HEHE mathing hair + matching t-shirt ♥

Caught in the moment shot with Anges. She super supportive man!
She even cried when my hair was being shaved off
and called me afters to tell me that she loves me so nawwwwwwwww :')

Farah is the best. She like totally supported me from the very start.
I honestly might not have done it without her persuasion ♥

So I finally met Linda for the first time along with Serene who was my kindy + pri school friend.
They are the nicest people ever. Like I don't even know them personally that well
and they went to support me!! :') touched to the max! Thanks guys!! ♥

I did it!!

Being gay.

Group shot with a few of the peeps who came and watch me!!

So it was a crazy amazing day and I had a really good+life changing experience. HAHA everyone was super supportive and nice to me and I am super touched. Honestly, I have no idea where I found the bravery to do it. Of course this is not an act of bravery, it's for the kids, but I mean, I must have been kinda brave to do it! LOL Truth to be told, I think God gave me the courage to do it. So all credits go to Him!! ♥
REALLY REALLY hope I somehow inspired people to Go Bald next year to help the children! Hope somehow I create more awareness that cancer is real and it's not happening to like 1 in a million people. Alot of people are battling cancer all over the world!!
Btw, I saw pics of Lydia going bald and she is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Like she has so much hair and she just have it all up!!!! I prolly wouldn't have gone bald if I had as much hair as her. And I think she went herself? I wouldn't have dared to go alone! So salutes to you, Lydia! xx
Btw, I saw pics of Lydia going bald and she is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Like she has so much hair and she just have it all up!!!! I prolly wouldn't have gone bald if I had as much hair as her. And I think she went herself? I wouldn't have dared to go alone! So salutes to you, Lydia! xx
Here's a video my friend shared with me a few days ago. And it's seriously heart wrenching to see this kids who love and appreciate life so much possibly losing life to cancer so soon.
They taught me to really appreciate everyday I have alive :)
Anyways, overall it was a very good experience, I dare say my perspective of life will never be the same. Can't wait to get a chance to visit the cancer children!!
Okay last picture!!

Shot at school by Ms Lucy with Mr Alvin & Tristan as well!!
Bye! God Bless! xx