Walked into school and I all of my friends were wishing me happy birthday plus got the sweetest gift from Rudy which made my day! (thanks tons!) AND MY BIRTHDAY WAS JUST STARTING...
I WAS LIKE SO HAPPY FOR THE REST OF THE DAY (till my science teacher told me I failed my Science I nearly died on the spot and cried cause wth how can I possibly fail Science??!?! Then I went and like shamelessly beg for marks so teacher recalculated and she counted wrongly. OMGSH. WTH.. imagine if I didn't say anything.)
I got like SO MANY BIRTHDAY WISHES IN SCHOOL and my facebook wall is flooded *feel like a mini celeb* HEHE FEEL SO HAPPY *high*
And Hyac even wrote me a gay song that is so gay I cannot describe how gay it is.
Then Amanda and Annabelle made this freaking gay slideshow and they played it during GEO class in front of everyone. Super embarrassing. Then the got this chocolate cupcake thingy for me and the lit a candle on it.
And like everyone sang Happy Birthday to me in the canteen which is so embarrassing and I was feeling super awkward... Oh and Mo and Kit went and ask Jack to say Happy birthday to me which was even more embarrassing cause I was eating halfway and have a mouthful of rice inside my mouth when he came up to me...
First impression ruined for life T^T
And then me, Amanda and Eugene had a gay camwhore session where I 'grab Eugene's phone like it was my own' (his words not mine) HAHAH love them to the core.

Anyways, today was amazing HEHEHEHEHEH I love my friends so much.
Birthday girl, signing out ;) xx
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