Beautiful lanterns at Backstage.


Fish & Chips. Didn't have flash in my lousy phone so had to steal some from Sarah's phone.
So that's why there's the gay shadow LOL

Then after that we went for supper at McDs!

Had my fave ice cream Oreo McFlurry! WOOTSIDDODDLES!
Then they slept over and we wasted 2 hours watch Legally Blonde 2 which is a really stupid illogical movie. Then we had like a mini truth or dare session but we fell asleep cause we were so exhausted.
Anyways, the next day I went of for lunch with B. And then was when all the suspecting came in. Firstly Amanda texted Sarah B's home address and I saw it and was like... why? So I suspected that they were like giving me some sort of surprise or something. Then during lunch B was constantly texting and talking on the phone and I saw her messages and it was like 'Surprise party for Shi Qi' then I knew. But I pretended like I didn't know a thing. Didn't wanna ruin it!

Lunch at Old Town.
Then I called Amanda to see if she could come to lunch and she was all crying telling me how she hated her mum and whatnot and how her mum didn't let her come. AND I BELIEVED HER.
SO GULLIBLE. But to my defence it was pretty convincing okay!
So after that we headed back to B's condo and then everyone came out with not one but TWO birthday cakes for me. I was like laughing like siao and my mum keep asking me with suspicion "Why is everyone here?!?!?"
Anyways, this is my first and the most awesome surprise bday party ever.
*cries because I am so happy*
Then we were like talking a bunch of pictures and what not and all of my friends had this evil plan to push me into the swimming pool. So I was taking a pic with Steven and he pushed me in but I was grabbing unto his arm so he feel in to and his money and phone got wet.
But I think the phone has recovered and the money has now returned to its original state LOL
Then Amanda and Farah both got pulled into the pool and both their phone got spoilt. First I got a poloroid and then 3 phone spoils, oh and I spoilt Joel's slippers... most expensive bday party ever!!
Then we played the drinking game where the mixed the grosses stuff ever and we just talked and talked and talked. And swam. A little.
Anyways, it was AWESOME and I had to most amazing time. Thanks so much again guys! xx

Memories that would last forever :')
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