Recently I've had a bunch of inspiration to write songs. And one of the most annoying feeling is when you've got all this emotions piled up in you and you can't find the write words to describe the feeling you're feeling. And you keep trying to think of beautiful words to use, but all you can come up with is those crappy typical phrases.
How I feel
I am feeling so desperate for a relationship.
I wish I had someone to hold, someone to love.
Okay that was kinda crappy lyrics but yeah you get what I mean. And I can't find beautiful lyrics so it's really quite frustrating.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Long post I promised!
Hi! In a incredibly happy mood now! Idk why. Maybe it's cause I watched the video Brenda and Elisa made for me and that made me smile! Or maybe cause today is Sunday and I love Sundays cause I get to go to church and youth and see my amazing friends! Or maybe cause I ate KFC just now, fried chicken my fave!! (which is so unhealthy omgsh)
Okay maybe not kiss... but yeah. You get what I'm trying to say!!
Okay. Enough proclaiming of my love to everyone. Okay just one more? Hey you reading this, I love you!! Oh and I love my skin, I think it's so pretty. HEHE
Okay. My mum just screwed my happy mood, she just did what she did best, scream at me for like the littlest thing. I swear, my mum is the only person in the whole world who can make me mad so fast. GRRRRR okay whatever.
So.. how was your weekend? I had a pretty good one, going off to Zac's party eating yummy BBQ and watching the Arsenal VS Chelsea match.
All the boys, who were all Arsenal fans were so rude -_- keep making fun of Torres.
I know, now you're going, why the heck, he sucks, he can't even score. Well, that's true, he missed quite a few open goals but HEY EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES PLS!! Plus I supported Torres since FIFA and that was when he we good (and hot heheh he still is), so yeah, Torres supporter till the very end. Of course unless he decides to ditch Chelsea. But then again if he ditches Chelsea it's prolly the best for him cause he suddenly kinda sucked after he joined Chelsea....
ANYWAYS, it was a pretty boring match cause no one scored. 0-0.
Okay seriously why am I talking about football -_____-
So since I promised a long post, don't even know who the heck would read the whole thing, I'm just gonna blog about rubbish okay. So.. I don't like perfume. Speaking of perfume, I put some on last Friday despite detesting them. Cause I have a bunch at all, all bday/Christmas pressie from people, and so wasteful if I don't use it, so I put some on for the first time. So then I went down to eat my breakfast and whatnot, and I had some hot chocolate to drink. And after gulping it all down I could still taste it in my mouth, even though I rinsed my mouth numerous times. So. I decided to do the gayest thing ever. I read somewhere that to smell your breathe you must lick your wrist. So I did it and I totally forgotten I put on perfume so I LICKED the perfume.
Now that just made me hate perfume a whole lot more. Plus I think perfume smells bad on me anyways. Like it doesn't go well with my body odour or something... Whatever.
Okay you guys prolly like I'm gross, licking myself and whatnot. Why am I even blogging about this...
Wow. That's a pretty long post. Kthxbai ending with a pic of me!
Okay maybe not kiss... but yeah. You get what I'm trying to say!!
Okay. Enough proclaiming of my love to everyone. Okay just one more? Hey you reading this, I love you!! Oh and I love my skin, I think it's so pretty. HEHE
Okay. My mum just screwed my happy mood, she just did what she did best, scream at me for like the littlest thing. I swear, my mum is the only person in the whole world who can make me mad so fast. GRRRRR okay whatever.
So.. how was your weekend? I had a pretty good one, going off to Zac's party eating yummy BBQ and watching the Arsenal VS Chelsea match.
All the boys, who were all Arsenal fans were so rude -_- keep making fun of Torres.
I know, now you're going, why the heck, he sucks, he can't even score. Well, that's true, he missed quite a few open goals but HEY EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES PLS!! Plus I supported Torres since FIFA and that was when he we good (and hot heheh he still is), so yeah, Torres supporter till the very end. Of course unless he decides to ditch Chelsea. But then again if he ditches Chelsea it's prolly the best for him cause he suddenly kinda sucked after he joined Chelsea....
ANYWAYS, it was a pretty boring match cause no one scored. 0-0.
Okay seriously why am I talking about football -_____-
So since I promised a long post, don't even know who the heck would read the whole thing, I'm just gonna blog about rubbish okay. So.. I don't like perfume. Speaking of perfume, I put some on last Friday despite detesting them. Cause I have a bunch at all, all bday/Christmas pressie from people, and so wasteful if I don't use it, so I put some on for the first time. So then I went down to eat my breakfast and whatnot, and I had some hot chocolate to drink. And after gulping it all down I could still taste it in my mouth, even though I rinsed my mouth numerous times. So. I decided to do the gayest thing ever. I read somewhere that to smell your breathe you must lick your wrist. So I did it and I totally forgotten I put on perfume so I LICKED the perfume.
Now that just made me hate perfume a whole lot more. Plus I think perfume smells bad on me anyways. Like it doesn't go well with my body odour or something... Whatever.
Okay you guys prolly like I'm gross, licking myself and whatnot. Why am I even blogging about this...
Wow. That's a pretty long post. Kthxbai ending with a pic of me!
With love, Qi.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
New looks.
OH MY GOSH. I signed into Blogger to today and it automatically updated me to the new 'look'. And it's orange and white. Such an ugly combination of colours don't you think?!
Here's what it looks like.
Me no likey. Anyways, as you guys can see I have edited my blog skin. You know since Blogger has a new look, I thought my blog should have one to. Only mine is prettier. Hehe.
Okay, that's not the reason. I always wanted to change my blogskin cause I got kinda tired with the old one and I am very satisfied! :) This skin looks so pretty and even it took ages for me to make the header, I think it looks so pretty and I am so happy.
So yeah. I LOVE my new skin. Kthxbai.
Me no likey. Anyways, as you guys can see I have edited my blog skin. You know since Blogger has a new look, I thought my blog should have one to. Only mine is prettier. Hehe.
Okay, that's not the reason. I always wanted to change my blogskin cause I got kinda tired with the old one and I am very satisfied! :) This skin looks so pretty and even it took ages for me to make the header, I think it looks so pretty and I am so happy.
So yeah. I LOVE my new skin. Kthxbai.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
So kiss me.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Hi. So I got a part in the 'Oliver' play! Only I didn't get the part I auditioned for. I got another part I didn't actually want but I got it. It's a Mrs Sowerberry or something. But I'm not sower! I'm sweet!
Anyways, I know nothing about my role except I have to sing and be a old mean ah ma who hates Oliver. David got the part of Oliver, Farah got Bet and Morgane got Nancy! Which means I get to be with all of em! YAY!
So, nothing really big has been happening to me. I guess.
Okay. No mood to write. I promise a long post soon okay! :)
Went out with Amanda on Saturday and we did what we did best, try on clothes that are too expensive for us and take pictures in em. HEHE.

Anyways, I know nothing about my role except I have to sing and be a old mean ah ma who hates Oliver. David got the part of Oliver, Farah got Bet and Morgane got Nancy! Which means I get to be with all of em! YAY!
So, nothing really big has been happening to me. I guess.
Okay. No mood to write. I promise a long post soon okay! :)
Went out with Amanda on Saturday and we did what we did best, try on clothes that are too expensive for us and take pictures in em. HEHE.

I love this top man :'( the colours and the material and all.


Vain shot.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Best birthday weekend ever!
Went out for Dinner at The Junk with my family, Claudia and Sarah and we had an amazing time!

Beautiful lanterns at Backstage.


Fish & Chips. Didn't have flash in my lousy phone so had to steal some from Sarah's phone.
So that's why there's the gay shadow LOL

Then after that we went for supper at McDs!

Had my fave ice cream Oreo McFlurry! WOOTSIDDODDLES!
Then they slept over and we wasted 2 hours watch Legally Blonde 2 which is a really stupid illogical movie. Then we had like a mini truth or dare session but we fell asleep cause we were so exhausted.
Anyways, the next day I went of for lunch with B. And then was when all the suspecting came in. Firstly Amanda texted Sarah B's home address and I saw it and was like... why? So I suspected that they were like giving me some sort of surprise or something. Then during lunch B was constantly texting and talking on the phone and I saw her messages and it was like 'Surprise party for Shi Qi' then I knew. But I pretended like I didn't know a thing. Didn't wanna ruin it!

Lunch at Old Town.
Then I called Amanda to see if she could come to lunch and she was all crying telling me how she hated her mum and whatnot and how her mum didn't let her come. AND I BELIEVED HER.
SO GULLIBLE. But to my defence it was pretty convincing okay!
So after that we headed back to B's condo and then everyone came out with not one but TWO birthday cakes for me. I was like laughing like siao and my mum keep asking me with suspicion "Why is everyone here?!?!?"
Anyways, this is my first and the most awesome surprise bday party ever.
*cries because I am so happy*
Then we were like talking a bunch of pictures and what not and all of my friends had this evil plan to push me into the swimming pool. So I was taking a pic with Steven and he pushed me in but I was grabbing unto his arm so he feel in to and his money and phone got wet.
But I think the phone has recovered and the money has now returned to its original state LOL
Then Amanda and Farah both got pulled into the pool and both their phone got spoilt. First I got a poloroid and then 3 phone spoils, oh and I spoilt Joel's slippers... most expensive bday party ever!!
Then we played the drinking game where the mixed the grosses stuff ever and we just talked and talked and talked. And swam. A little.
Anyways, it was AWESOME and I had to most amazing time. Thanks so much again guys! xx

Memories that would last forever :')
Friday, April 6, 2012
Today is Good Friday. "The day death died."
I'm not grateful enough (at times) that Jesus died on the cross for all of us. And like watching this video reminded me why he did what he did and how much he to go through just to do so.
So heading out for dinner tonight with Claudia and Sarah and going out for lunch tmr with Amanda and Belle to celebrate my birthday. Hey, it's still my bday week after all! :)
Anyways, a few of my awesome bday pressies. Thank you again! xx

Rock candy.

Super cute card.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Walked into school and I all of my friends were wishing me happy birthday plus got the sweetest gift from Rudy which made my day! (thanks tons!) AND MY BIRTHDAY WAS JUST STARTING...
I WAS LIKE SO HAPPY FOR THE REST OF THE DAY (till my science teacher told me I failed my Science I nearly died on the spot and cried cause wth how can I possibly fail Science??!?! Then I went and like shamelessly beg for marks so teacher recalculated and she counted wrongly. OMGSH. WTH.. imagine if I didn't say anything.)
I got like SO MANY BIRTHDAY WISHES IN SCHOOL and my facebook wall is flooded *feel like a mini celeb* HEHE FEEL SO HAPPY *high*
And Hyac even wrote me a gay song that is so gay I cannot describe how gay it is.
Then Amanda and Annabelle made this freaking gay slideshow and they played it during GEO class in front of everyone. Super embarrassing. Then the got this chocolate cupcake thingy for me and the lit a candle on it.
And like everyone sang Happy Birthday to me in the canteen which is so embarrassing and I was feeling super awkward... Oh and Mo and Kit went and ask Jack to say Happy birthday to me which was even more embarrassing cause I was eating halfway and have a mouthful of rice inside my mouth when he came up to me...
First impression ruined for life T^T
And then me, Amanda and Eugene had a gay camwhore session where I 'grab Eugene's phone like it was my own' (his words not mine) HAHAH love them to the core.

Anyways, today was amazing HEHEHEHEHEH I love my friends so much.
Birthday girl, signing out ;) xx
Walked into school and I all of my friends were wishing me happy birthday plus got the sweetest gift from Rudy which made my day! (thanks tons!) AND MY BIRTHDAY WAS JUST STARTING...
I WAS LIKE SO HAPPY FOR THE REST OF THE DAY (till my science teacher told me I failed my Science I nearly died on the spot and cried cause wth how can I possibly fail Science??!?! Then I went and like shamelessly beg for marks so teacher recalculated and she counted wrongly. OMGSH. WTH.. imagine if I didn't say anything.)
I got like SO MANY BIRTHDAY WISHES IN SCHOOL and my facebook wall is flooded *feel like a mini celeb* HEHE FEEL SO HAPPY *high*
And Hyac even wrote me a gay song that is so gay I cannot describe how gay it is.
Then Amanda and Annabelle made this freaking gay slideshow and they played it during GEO class in front of everyone. Super embarrassing. Then the got this chocolate cupcake thingy for me and the lit a candle on it.
And like everyone sang Happy Birthday to me in the canteen which is so embarrassing and I was feeling super awkward... Oh and Mo and Kit went and ask Jack to say Happy birthday to me which was even more embarrassing cause I was eating halfway and have a mouthful of rice inside my mouth when he came up to me...
First impression ruined for life T^T
And then me, Amanda and Eugene had a gay camwhore session where I 'grab Eugene's phone like it was my own' (his words not mine) HAHAH love them to the core.

Anyways, today was amazing HEHEHEHEHEH I love my friends so much.
Birthday girl, signing out ;) xx
Monday, April 2, 2012
So yesterday was the most crap day ever. I intended on having a great April's Fool you know. Pranking everyone and having fun. But it turned out so crappy the joke was on me.
I had to walk home from church after youth and it was raining. No one could pick me up/send me home so I walked in the rain. It wasn't that bad at first. It was just drizzling. No heavy rain. But then as I walked down the street, the crazy neighbourhood dog, DUFFY chased me. I was so scared man. I screamed and ran like some mad woman lah.
Under the rain some more...
WHAT THE PINGLINGSODONKWONG?! So I ran soaking wet all the way home with the lunatic dog chasing me. I'm now thinking of the gay chinese proverb, "when rain, your house got hole in roof, the got storm and you got hole in boat" Or something like that. Which just means a streak of bad luck.
Sadly this April fool's prank on me wasn't one bit funny. So sienzzxzxczxzzzzzxzxzx.
And my little over dramatic-too-bad-to-be-true day did not end there. Wanna know the worse part??!?!
I'm just joking. Happy belated April's Fool.
I had to walk home from church after youth and it was raining. No one could pick me up/send me home so I walked in the rain. It wasn't that bad at first. It was just drizzling. No heavy rain. But then as I walked down the street, the crazy neighbourhood dog, DUFFY chased me. I was so scared man. I screamed and ran like some mad woman lah.
Under the rain some more...
WHAT THE PINGLINGSODONKWONG?! So I ran soaking wet all the way home with the lunatic dog chasing me. I'm now thinking of the gay chinese proverb, "when rain, your house got hole in roof, the got storm and you got hole in boat" Or something like that. Which just means a streak of bad luck.
Sadly this April fool's prank on me wasn't one bit funny. So sienzzxzxczxzzzzzxzxzx.
And my little over dramatic-too-bad-to-be-true day did not end there. Wanna know the worse part??!?!
I'm just joking. Happy belated April's Fool.
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