Thursday, April 7, 2011

what shall i call this post?

MY BLOG IS SO. ARGH. i can't find a nice blogskin for it so it looks super gay right now -.-
gosh. so many things have been happening. so UPDATES!

1. i've been spending wasting so much of my time just daydream, and just thinking during lesson time. and i sleep alot in class too. -.- not technically sleep sleep, but i shut my eyes and rest my head on the table and don't listen to a thing teacher says. THIS IS VERY BAD.

2. i'm so addicted to the chinese new year seaweed koropok thingy. i can make them myself though *proud* but i'm too lazy too. takes up alot of time D:

3. I AM ADDICTED TO FACEBOOK. OMG. and my parents blocked facebook. not that you don't know. i've been screaming about it to the whole world about how unfair it is :\ well, sarah, munsien and i, are planning on fasting facebook for a month. like not go to facebook for a month. and i guess we can succeed :) because as the bible says put God first therefore, we should try to stop being so addicted to facebook cause it takes up alot of our time, and limits the time for us to be with God :P *holy*

4. i just realized all the news above are like bad news :\ SO HERE. the good news! okay. erm. wait. errrrr actually i think there isn't any good news. my life is so sad. :(


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