Monday, March 26, 2012

Back in the primary school days...

HELLO! I spent the whole of P.E today talking about my primary school memories with Amanda and Agnes. You know back in the days when we were in P6 and we thought we were the oldest ones in school and we thought we were all so cool. I'll have to say Primary 6 was one of the best years of my life. I remember skipping class with a bunch of friends (I was even class monitor then HAHA worst class monitor ever!) and going just hanging out in the canteen or outside the hall. Remember how we used to copy each others homework and when teacher found out.. die. I remember once when I was bleeding cause I scratched too hard on my mosquito bite and my awesome friends brought me to wash it and the to apply med on it HAHAHAHAHAH. Remember how falling in 'love' with some guy was the biggest gossip of the century. Who liked who. And liking 2 person at the same time was okay..  -___- WHAT LOL

Remember getting 'physically abused' by our mad teachers. Getting rotan for the littlest stupidest things like forgetting to bring your book, or for not getting 80% and above for my test. One of the dumbest most unreasonable illogical absurd reason I got canned was when I was passing a note to my friend in ENGLISH class. After the class, I threw the piece of paper in the bin. THEN ONE OF MY STUPID KEPO LIFELESS CLASSMATE PICKED IT UP FROM THE BIN GAVE IT MY MY FORM TEACHER AND I GOT CANNED 5 TIMES ON THE HAND.

I was so mad.

And I still am.

Anyways, I miss primary school, when it was kinda okay to not care about your studies. When life was so easy! But of course I thought life was so hard and I had tons of homework back then. Now looking back, EASIER THAN OPENING THE FRIDGE LAH.

Here are some very old photos where I look super gay in. But whatever. For memories sake.

Look at Agnes HAHA so cute!

 12th birthday party.

Me and my extreme pretty friends. So sien. Compared to them I look.. gay.

That's my mean form teacher. We used to (and still do) call him Monkey Face HAHA

Primary 3 or 4 birthday parteh.

Good good memories :')

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